5 Confidence-Building Habits Working Women Should Know

5 Confidence-Building Habits Working Women Should Know

More often than not, one's idea of a confident woman brings to mind someone competent, composed, and attractive. People who are brimming with confidence know what they want, speak their mind freely, and do not waste time and energy worrying about what others may think of them. In the workplace, they are mostly the ones who get ahead by giving remarkable presentations, connecting with high-profile clients, and impressing everyone with their wit and charm.


Why do you think confident people achieve so much? While it is true that self-confidence is trusting one’s own abilities and skills, it is worth pointing out that confidence is more than a feeling. It also manifests in one’s actions, focus, and resilience—all valuable traits needed by working women to succeed. If lack of self-confidence is holding you back from reaching your career goals, read on. Here are several habits that you can adopt to build your confidence, not only at work, but also in your everyday life:


Dress for Success


What you wear affects your thoughts, behavior, and feelings. According to a study published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, there’s a concept called “enclothed cognition” that describes the influence of one’s clothes on the psychological processes of the wearer. Essentially, you become what your clothes represent.


While your clothes don’t necessarily reflect your value, dressing the part of a professional can help boost your confidence level. Build yourself up by investing in tailored business attire, high-quality hosiery, good shoes, and accessories that exude power and the fact that you mean business. Not only will such clothing pieces put you in work mode, but they will also make you feel good about yourself and improve your confidence.


Stand and Sit Up Straight


If you think that the benefits of maintaining good posture only extend to your physical wellbeing and the way others perceive you, you are mistaken. Aside from highlighting your smart, dignified appearance, making a habit of sitting and standing up straight also significantly impacts how you feel about yourself. You have a better chance of feeling positive and energetic the moment you lift your head, keep your shoulder back, and pull your stomach in.


One study at Ohio State University found that the body’s posture affects how people view themselves even if they do not realize it. The mere act of sitting or standing up straight can lead someone to become more confident in their own thoughts. On the contrary, a slouching posture can make people less convinced about their ideas and way of thinking.


Take More Calculated Risks


Perhaps the best strategy to build your confidence is by facing your fears head-on. Instead of constantly putting things off because of self-doubt, make it a habit to take risks. Remember that confidence stems from accomplishments, and every time you achieve a goal, you trust yourself more. If you are always fearful of starting anything, there is no way you can succeed further, whether in business or life in general.


Step away from your comfort zone little by little and put yourself out there. Perhaps you hate the thought of making a mistake in front of people. If so, you may want to overcome this fear by volunteering to lead a presentation. After completing the task successfully, you will learn that you are more capable than you initially thought. Should you happen to mess up a little, you’ll likely realize that the consequence is not as bad as you assumed. Although failure does not directly increase confidence, it offers learning opportunities that will help you prepare for future challenges.


Spend More Time with People Who Lift You Up


How do the people closest to you make you feel? Do they lift your spirit when you feel down, or do they make you feel more miserable because of their negativity? If it is the latter, you may want to spend less time with them and more time with people who are more generous with their encouragement and support. Keep in mind that the people you often interact with can influence your thoughts and behavior considerably. As such, surrounding yourself with positive friends will make you feel more empowered and motivated to do your best.


Practice Positive Self-Talk


You cannot build confidence when you always talk to yourself in a negative manner. If you keep saying “I can’t do this,” “I can’t handle this,” or other similar pessimistic statements, your words will become your reality. You will be filled with self-doubt and ruin whatever little self-esteem you have. To boost your confidence, be more mindful of how you talk with yourself.


Try to reframe your negative thoughts into something more optimistic. For instance, instead of thinking that you shouldn’t speak up in a meeting because you will only embarrass yourself, tell yourself that there is no harm in trying. If the result is less than ideal, remind yourself that you can do better next time. Practicing positive self-talk takes time and energy, but the rewards are worth the effort.


The impressive and confident woman you look up to at work was not born that way; she has learned to believe and trust herself more and more as she takes on new challenges and confronts her fears. That said, it is never too late for you to become that self-assured career woman you always wanted to be. With the right attitude and determination to consistently practice the habits discussed above, you can become more confident and feel better about yourself.