California Supply Chains Act

“Human Trafficking is a crime against humanity. It involves an act of recruiting, transporting, transferring, harbouring or receiving a person through a use of force, coercion or other means, for the purpose of exploiting them.” – United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Kayser-Roth Corporation supports the goals of the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 and strives to exemplify good human rights and labor practices throughout our business activities. Kayser-Roth Corporation prohibits any form of forced labor, including slavery and human trafficking, in our supply chain. This is a zero-tolerance issue. As an international company with a sense of community, Kayser-Roth is dedicated to high business standards that are in line with our company’s culture and the principles that make us an innovative leader in the legwear industry. The Kayser-Roth Corporation is committed to compliance with all applicable legal requirements to ensure that all our products are efficiently manufactured and create significant value for the communities we reach.

Kayser-Roth Corporation’s actions in this area include the following:


  1. Verification of Product Supply Chains

Since its inception, Kayser-Roth Corporation’s business practices have reflected our commitment to integrity, honesty, and full compliance with all applicable laws. We’ve implemented processes that reflect this commitment and establish standards for Kayser-Roth Corporation’s suppliers in the areas of Safe Labor Standards, Business Integrity, and the Environment. This includes verification of responsible practices in our supply chain to evaluate and address any risks of human trafficking and slavery, which is performed internally and via third party verifiers.


  1. Supplier Audits

Kayser-Roth Corporation confirms compliance with its supply chain standards for human trafficking and slavery by conducting supplier audits, at least some of which are independent and/or unannounced.


  1. Certifications

Kayser-Roth Corporation requires that its direct suppliers certify that materials incorporated into Kayser-Roth Corporation’s products comply with the laws regarding human trafficking and slavery in the countries in which the respective suppliers are doing business.


  1. Accountability

In the event that Kayser-Roth Corporation becomes aware of any actions or conditions not in compliance with the Kayser-Roth Corporation supply standards, Kayser-Roth Corporation reserves the right to demand corrective measures. Kayser-Roth Corporation also reserves the right to terminate an agreement with any supplier who does not comply with the Kayser-Roth Corporation supplier standards.


  1. Employee Training

Kayser-Roth is committed to educating company employees and management who have direct responsibility for supply chain management and product manufacturing on issues of human trafficking and slavery. This includes knowledge sharing regarding risk mitigation and compliance.