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5 Ideas for Adding a Fresh Twist to Your Everyday Routine

5 Ideas for Adding a Fresh Twist to Your Everyday Routine


Living with the COVID-19 pandemic for close to two years has forced many people to drastically alter the ways they spend their time. With so many restrictions placed on where people can safely go, what they can do, and who they can meet, the days can come to feel hollow very quickly. For many, every day has come to look much like the one before—a constant loop of waking up, taking care of work, doing house chores, going to sleep, rinse, repeat. Now it’s not uncommon for even the most dedicated homebodies to remark how much they crave a change of scenery.


Introducing variety to your daily routine has numerous benefits for both your productivity and sense of well-being. It can improve your motivation, help alleviate boredom and burnout, and help you feel more connected to yourself and others—all particularly urgent needs in these challenging times. Though the current state of life makes chasing that variety more difficult than it used to be, there’s a lot you can do with a little imagination. Here are five small but effective ways to freshen up your daily routine that will keep you on your toes from dawn to dusk!


Dress Up for the Day


When the route you take to work is no longer than the distance between your bed and your dedicated work area, it can be tempting to just sit down in whatever you rolled out of bed in. After all, you’re not going to see anyone, let alone anyone you need to impress. Resist this temptation, even if it’s just to throw on a clean T-shirt and a fresh pair of leggings, or dress up a little more if you feel up to going the extra mile. It’s not just the hygienic thing to do, either. Changing your clothes is also a way to signal to yourself that it’s time to change gears as well—to go from being the “you” at rest to being the “you” that needs to get things done. You’ll feel more alert, focused, and ready to face whatever comes your way that day, even if you’re still physically within the four walls of your home.


Freshen Up Your Spaces


Even the comfiest and most lovingly put together living space can feel like a cage if you’re stuck in it for too long. If you’ve begun to grow tired of looking at the same setup day in and day out, there’s no need to break the bank redecorating. Try rearranging your furniture, hanging up new wall art, or introducing a new houseplant or two. If you’re a bookworm, for instance, consider a new shelving scheme—arrange by genre where before you would arrange by author name, or even by cover color if you’re feeling a little silly. The bottom line is that small changes can still be impactful when it comes to stimulating your senses and helping you experience the same space in fresh ways.


Make Time for Exercise


There’s plenty of research out there to show how good for you regular exercise can be—and for every part of you at that, your brain included. Setting aside some time every day to break a sweat can do wonders for your mood, memory, and concentration. The best part is that you don’t need months on a punishing workout regimen or fancy equipment, as you can begin making a difference with ten minutes of light exercise daily. Go for a (masked-up, socially distanced) walk, or do some quick weights or stretching. Pop on your favorite yoga pants and follow along with your favorite YouTube guru. There is no shortage of resources and guides for exercise classes online these days, so choose an activity you feel good doing, and after you’re done, you will feel even better.


Explore New Content


If you’re the type of person who tends to default to the same kinds of entertainment, there’s no better time than now to begin branching out and consuming new things. Take recommendations from friends with different interests, and you just might find something new to bond over. Use your regular scroll through music or show streaming catalogs to explore genres you haven’t tried before, or even ones you haven’t tended to enjoy in the past. You could even try branching out into different media types, like gaming or listening to podcasts, if these didn’t used to be your wheelhouse. There’s so much new and inventive media out there that you never know what might surprise you.


Invest in Good Sleep


It goes without saying that everyone falls asleep at the end of the day—sometimes accidentally, for the bone-tired and overworked. It’s worthwhile, though, to treat the experience of going to sleep as an activity. You might invest, for example, in quality sheets and sleepwear. You could try to stop your screen time an hour or so before bed and use the time instead for winding-down activities like reading, journaling, or meditation. Whatever you do, having a few bedtime rituals sends the message to your brain and body that rest is also something worth accomplishing, not just something that happens when your batteries have totally drained.


Final Words


Because we continue to live and work under highly restrictive conditions, it’s more important than ever to do what you can to keep yourself from feeling trapped. Don’t shy away from chasing what new and stimulating experiences, even in your everyday life. You may find yourself with no end of things to look forward to and to be curious about—and no end of reasons to get up in the morning after all.