17 Timeless Self-Care Tips That Will Never Go Out of Style

Life can be tough, lonely, and disheartening. And with the state of the world being what it is today, it can be even more challenging to find the positive in the sea of despondency that surrounds us. This makes self-care even more important. When you care for yourself, you can cultivate good emotions and beneficial health outcomes that don’t only help you recuperate from stress and trauma but also allow you to be a source of strength and positive energy for the people around you.

If you want to become the best version of yourself, practicing self-care should be a top priority for you. Below are some tried-and-true self-care tips that will help keep you in good physical and mental shape.

1.) Sleep Better

Getting enough quality shut eye is the foundation for most of the other wellness tips below. Invest in good  sleepwear, beddings, pillows, and other things needed for a truly reenergizing sleep. Proper sleep is crucial to maintaining hormone balance, protecting the immune system, improving concentration and cognition, and keeping signs of aging at bay.

2.) Unfollow Negativity

Happiness is not always a decision. But in the case of social media, it certainly is. Gradually unfollow accounts and pages that give you negative emotions when you see them in your feed. Also consider unfriending people on social media if they have been a source of negative energy for some time.

3.) Let Go of Grudges

You do not have to let people who hurt you back into your life, but you can make sure they no longer have power over you. Forgive them and free up that newfound mental and emotional space with other people you love.

4.) Give Your Feet Some Love

Your feet literally bear the weight of your daily activities, which is why pampering them is one of the best ways to give yourself the self-care you deserve. Aside from getting only comfortable shoes and booking foot spa sessions, also look into buying high-quality socks. The quality of your  socks can have a major effect on your mood throughout the day. Banish all your old, uncomfortable socks and replace them with ones that keep you feeling fresh and fancy-free. 

5.) Declutter

While you do not have to go full Marie Kondo on your belongings, it may be for the best to start getting rid of things you haven’t used or enjoyed in years. Later, you can replace them with fewer, better-quality pieces that you will cherish and enjoy. 

6.) Make the Decision to Be Positive

While this might be hard at first, keeping a positive outlook can become easier with time. While it may not be enough to overcome everything, it can be a source of strength in all the challenges we are bound to come across.

7.) Exercise Daily

It is tough, we know! But the important thing is to keep at it. If you can only do 10 minutes a day, that is perfectly alright. The important thing is to stay consistent and to keep pushing your physical limits, whatever they may be.

8.) Learn to Meditate

Several studies have proven meditation to be an excellent way to regulate mood, promote better self-awareness, and improve our attention spans. It may even help your brain heal from trauma. Consider doing mindfulness exercises, or try meditation techniques that can help you cultivate a peaceful state of mind or develop new virtues like forgiveness and compassion.

9.) Keep Better Track of Your Finances

It is easier to focus on your well-being when you have an accurate picture of your income and expenses. Start creating a budget that is more suited for your income and start setting up autopay arrangements to keep your financial worries to a minimum.

10.) Try Yoga

Yoga combines many of the benefits of meditation and exercise with a few others of its own. Regular practice can help improve balance and flexibility, which can become especially important as we grow older. Be sure to get a fresh  pair of yoga pants to help inspire you to do better each day.

11.) Practice Gratitude

Actively practicing gratitude daily, or keeping a journal, can improve your mental health. Gratitude has also been linked with improved brain function and a reduction in depression and anxiety symptoms.

12.) Make Time for Your Mental Health

Most people will benefit from annual or biannual visits to a therapist or a psychiatrist, much in the same way we would benefit from regular visits to the doctor or dentist, even if we don’t have an ailment or a toothache. As with our physical health, good mental health is as much a matter of prevention as it is treatment.

13.) Keep a Journal

Keeping a journal can help you make sense of complex emotions and experiences that you may not yet have fully understood. Writing journal entries regularly can help you keep track of the state of your mental health and help you contextualize your personal and professional progress.

14.) Try a New Hobby

Trying a new hobby can open a new world of possibilities as well as new lifelong friendships. If you have wanted to try something out for a while, there’s no better time to start than the present.

15.) Learn to Cook Healthy and Flavorful Meals

Learning how to make healthy meals that you enjoy can be as nourishing spiritually as it is physically. Start by finding a few appealing recipes from cookbooks or online sources that use healthy and easily accessible ingredients. Start slowly and try to hone your techniques with simple recipes. You’ll be cooking up a storm of delicious, wholesome meals in no time.

16.) Go Offline

It is becoming apparent that being online for too long can be bad for your mental health. Taking periodic breaks from online use can help prevent these negative effects. Try to designate regular offline days, if possible, for the best results.

17.) Connect With Others

If it is safe to do so, start reconnecting with friends and family while keeping present public health concerns in mind. If you cannot do that just yet, give them a call or reach out through a video messaging app just to hang out for a bit. Chances are that your loved ones need the connection just as much as you do.

We hope you found these self-care ideas useful. Remember: everyone deserves to be healthy, in mind, body, and spirit. Good luck on your journey to a healthier, better you!