How Do You Empower Other Women at Work?

How Do You Empower Other Women at Work?

There are still many places that offer an exceptional challenge for women who want to advance their careers. In some male-dominated companies and industries, it is an unspoken and unchallenged rule that women need to work twice as hard to earn the respect of their peers. Some places with women leaders may offer a supportive environment for other women who are also trying to establish themselves in their professions. Unfortunately, the opposite is also possible, as some women can be dismissive of younger or newer colleagues, particularly women whom they might view as competition.

What these individuals do not realize is that a victory for one woman can serve as a win for the rest of the women in the workplace. If people can acknowledge one’s potential, skills, and talents without regard for their sex, then the right people can move up the career ladder and take the company and industry to new heights. It is important to acknowledge, though, that biases against women in the workplace continue to exist in many companies and industries. To level the playing field, it is a must for women to work together and support one another so that they can be seen, heard, and acknowledged positively.

Here are some steps that women can take to empower other women in the workplace:

Acknowledge That the Double Standard Exists

One of the first things that women can do to empower others is to acknowledge that there is still a skewed view of women in the workplace. For example, women can often be criticized by others for what they wear in the office even though it does not exactly affect their performance. It is not out of the ordinary to hear more comments about a woman’s outfit rather than the content of the material she presented to the rest of the team during a meeting. And if a woman uses assertive language to get their point across, they can easily be labeled as “arrogant” or “bossy.” In these instances, think if the same comments would even be brought up if the speaker belonged to the opposite sex. Knowing one’s unconscious biases is the first step in creating an inclusive workplace.

Support Women’s Ideas and Ensure They Are Heard

The rest of the office may not admit it, but there are certain expectations with how men and women communicate with their colleagues in the workplace. While it is perfectly fine for men to express themselves with confidence, women are expected to be more diplomatic and collaborative in how they approach their tasks. Going against these expectations can affect women negatively in their professional circles and performance reviews, thereby discouraging women from pitching and asserting their ideas.

During meetings, try to shape the conversation in a way that does not diminish the contribution of the women in the group. If someone is struggling to join the conversation, direct the team’s attention to them so that they can share their thoughts, and ensure that they are heard by reassuring them that someone is listening.

Celebrate Accomplishments and Give Credit Where It Is Due

The same expectations apply when it comes to celebrating milestones reached by men and women. Men can claim that they were able to do something due to their innate skills. Women, on the other hand, tend to credit outside factors for their successes, and if they claim that they accomplished something due to their efforts, they can be deemed to be self-promoting. This is something that needs to be addressed as well. When introducing other women, it is a good move to highlight their accomplishments and the areas they excel in. Achieving a goal is also an occasion that needs to be celebrated more often in the workplace.

Recognize Opportunities for Growth and Provide Helpful Feedback

It can be difficult for women to get direct and helpful feedback from their colleagues. Some people tend to be vague with how they convey criticism to women out of the misguided fear that they will trigger an emotional response. Indirect feedback can prevent anyone from making practical improvements to their output, and this can significantly slow down the progress of their career.

When the situation calls for it, it is a good idea to provide other women in the workplace with helpful and practical tips on how they can improve their work and reach their desired metrics. This will allow them to build their skills and grow in a more holistic manner.

Even in 2021, women are still underrepresented on all levels in many industries. Those who happen to carve out space for themselves in workplaces that are dominated by men often struggle with issues of unequal pay, harassment, limited career opportunities, and maintaining work-life balance. And while the recent months have afforded many employees and professionals the opportunity to work from home, this work setup has only highlighted how many women had to take double shifts every day. That is, many must work full shifts and then spend hours devoted to childcare and carrying out household chores.

There are still many things that need to be done to make sure that everyone in the workplace will be able to contribute to the best of their abilities and enjoy equal treatment as the rest of their colleagues. It is very likely that the strategies women can use to empower others in the workplace will change as work environments continue to evolve with the times. In the meantime, everyone from the management to the individual employees would do well to continue pursuing efforts that will make their workplace a safe and fair space for people to excel and explore their capabilities.

As a brand that was first embraced by pioneering career women some 40 years ago, No nonsense continues to uphold its mission to empower women everywhere. We believe in inclusion, diversity, and equal opportunity in the workplace, challenging the status quo that keeps talented individuals from reaching their fullest potential. We uplift women by celebrating the modern No nonsense woman, providing her with high-quality leggings, tights, hosiery, sleepwear, leisurewear, socks, and shapewear to keep her Courageous, Confident, and Comfortable. Subscribe to our newsletter today for more inspiration.